About Me

Director, Photographer, Visionary…

Internationally renowned, multi-disciplinary artist David Hawkins continues to make a name for himself on the world stage. After hosting the Berlin Music Video Awards in 2015, he went on to cover Fashion Week Berlin as well as the Berlin Film Festival (Berlinale) for the international press (New City, Village Voice, NPR Public Radio).

Ever more involved with the Berlin art scene he continues to photograph local and visiting musicians such as Roger Waters of Pink Floyd and Peaches, red carpets for Robert Downey Jr. and Bob Odenkirk,  as well as hosting club nights. (for bookings you can contact him at: david@dhienterprises.com )

Born and raised in Chicago, David brings a unique perspective to the international photography community.

With over twelve years of photographic and directorial experience in places as vastly different as Paris and Tokyo, Mexico and London, his photographic style has been inspired by his life’s experience.

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